DCon2021 Exclusive Pin Set One
On sale

We saved some Designer Con 2021 Exclusive enamel pin sets so we can make them available to you! This set includes four pins mashing up the hilarious cartoon with two iconic sports logos and pop culture influences with a Good Hats x The Capologists logo pin. FOUR pins glow in the dark and one also spins!
- Scary Trio (black metal finish) The Capologists
- Season 5 Spinner (black metal finish) The Capologists
- Fightin' iRicks (silver metal finish) Good Hats Co.
- Cubbie Rick (silver metal finish) Good Hats Co.
- GHxTC logo pin (silver metal finish)
Comes on an exclusive card designed by Jon Ramirez (@inkpark)
Pins come on a Designer Con 2021 Exclusive card designed by @InkPark